Sakda said to his employee, Kurt, “you should work harder so the employees who have been here a long time will like you.” this statement likely fostered nondefensive communication from kurt.


Sakda said to his employee, Kurt, “you should work harder so the employees who have been here a long time will like you.” this statement likely fostered nondefensive communication from Kurt


Actually, it is quite possible that Sakda’s statement would not foster nondefensive communication from Kurt. The statement suggests that the only way for Kurt to gain the approval of his long-time colleagues is by working harder, which may come across as a criticism of Kurt’s current work effort. This could potentially make Kurt feel defensive or undervalued, rather than encouraging open communication.

A more effective approach for fostering nondefensive communication might be to focus on specific actions or behaviors that would be helpful for Kurt to build positive relationships with his colleagues. For example, Sakda could provide examples of how other employees have successfully built relationships with long-time colleagues, or offer suggestions for ways in which Kurt could get more involved in team projects or social events. By focusing on specific actions and behaviors rather than making generalizations or criticisms, Sakda may be more likely to foster a nondefensive and productive conversation with Kurt.
If Sakda had phrased his statement in a more positive and encouraging way, it would have been more likely to foster non-defensive communication from Kurt. To give an example, he might have expressed it in this way: “I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your hard work and dedication. I believe that with your continued effort, you’ll be able to establish strong connections with your coworkers who have been with us for a while. Keep up the good work!” By highlighting Kurt’s positive qualities and offering words of encouragement, this approach can reinforce his motivation to work hard and develop positive relationships with his colleagues.

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