Stanley Miller and Harold Urey recreated earth’s early atmosphere in a test tube. then they bombarded the chemical mixture with ultraviolet light and simulated lightning. what were the results?

Stanley Miller and Harold Urey recreated earth’s early atmosphere in a test tube. then they bombarded the chemical mixture with ultraviolet light and simulated lightning. what were the results?
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey recreated earth’s early atmosphere in a test tube. then they bombarded the chemical mixture with ultraviolet light and simulated lightning. what were the results?


In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey conducted an experiment in which they attempted to recreate the conditions of early Earth’s atmosphere. They created a mixture of water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen in a closed system and subjected it to an electrical discharge to simulate lightning.

The experiment yielded a number of different organic compounds, including amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. This result suggested that the organic compounds necessary for life could have formed on Earth through natural processes, without the need for any supernatural intervention.

The Miller-Urey experiment has been repeated with different variations, and while some of the original assumptions have been questioned, it remains a landmark experiment in the field of abiogenesis, the study of how life originated on Earth.

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