Vonda is frustrated with her manager, glenda. last week, when vonda asked about glenda’s expectations, glenda said, “just do your best.” but vonda doesn’t know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn’t very motivated.


Vonda is frustrated with her manager, glenda. last week, when vonda asked about glenda’s expectations, glenda said, “just do your best.” but vonda doesn’t know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn’t very motivated.

vonda is frustrated with her manager, glenda. last week, when vonda asked about glenda’s expectations, glenda said, “just do your best.” but vonda doesn’t know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn’t very motivated.
vonda is frustrated with her manager, glenda. last week, when vonda asked about glenda’s expectations, glenda said


It’s understandable that Vonda feels frustrated with Glenda’s response. “Just do your best” is not a clear or specific direction, and it’s natural for Vonda to feel unsure about what she needs to do to meet Glenda’s expectations. This lack of clarity can lead to a decrease in motivation and productivity.

To address this situation, Vonda could try having a follow-up conversation with Glenda. In this conversation, Vonda could explain that she wants to do a good job and meet Glenda’s expectations, but that she needs more specific guidance in order to do so. Vonda could ask Glenda to provide more details on what “doing her best” looks like in terms of specific tasks or goals.

Alternatively, Vonda could try to take the initiative and define her own goals and expectations based on her understanding of her role and the company’s objectives. She could then present these to Glenda for feedback and clarification. This approach may require more effort on Vonda’s part, but it could also help her feel more empowered and motivated in her work.

Overall, it’s important for Vonda and Glenda to have clear and open communication about expectations and goals. This can help Vonda feel more confident and motivated in her work, while also ensuring that Glenda’s expectations are being met.

vonda is frustrated with her manager, glenda. last week, when vonda asked about glenda’s expectations, glenda said, “just do your best.” but vonda doesn’t know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn’t very motivated.

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